
My professional career, experience, and skills.

Salih Kayiplar

Cloud & DevOps Engineer - Bielefeld, Germany


With a versatile career spanning both freelancing and a full-time position, my experience in Clouds, DevOps, and software engineering roles stands as a testament to my adaptability and technical acumen. Specializing in Cloud platforms such as Azure and AWS, I've become proficient in utilizing various Cloud services as well as Cloud Native tools. My professional journey doesn't end there; I've further developed skills in Infrastructure-As-Code, Kubernetes, containerization, and deployment automation. My capabilities extend to monitoring, logging and tracing solutions, as well as intricate projects involving messaging, search indexing, database management, identity and access management, functions as a service, among others. With a firm commitment to excellence and a keen understanding of the diverse technological landscape, my background provides a well-rounded perspective and the hands-on experience essential to meet the evolving demands of the industry. Whether working independently or within a team, I consistently strive to innovate and deliver solutions that align with both short-term goals and long-term visions.

Experience as Freelancer

Cloud & DevOps Engineer @ Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH

Cloud: Azure

Platform: GitHub

Feb 2023 - Sep 2023

  • Design of DevOps processes and release architecture in Azure
  • Development and introduction GitHub pipelines for IaC deployments
  • Introduction of Terraform and Terragrunt as Infrastructure-as-code tool. Setup includes
    • Terraform Modules with semantic release
    • Hosting: Azure AppService
    • Database: Azure Managed SQL Server & Azure CosmosDB
    • Streaming/Messaging: Azure EventHub, Azure StreamAnalytics
    • Monitoring: Azure Monitor, ApplicationInsights, Azure Alerts and ActionGroups, Azure LogAnalytics
    • Networking:
      • Spoke: Virtual Network, Subnet
      • Hub: Virtual Network, Subnet, Azure Firewall & Policy, Azure Bastion, Azure Route Table, Azure ExpressRoute Circuit, Azure Virtual Network Gateway, Azure Virtual Network Gateway Connection, Azure Express Route Cicuit Peering, ...
    • Storage: StorageAccount
  • Maintenance of existing Azure Infrastructure and Azure DevOps pipelines
  • Helping with the first steps of migrating a monolithic application to microservices architecture

Cloud & DevOps Engineer @ havida-it GmbH

Cloud: Azure

Platform: GitLab

Since Sep 2022

  • Azure Cloud setup via Terragrunt including components like AKS, Managed Postgresql, Keyvault, StorageAccount, Virtual Networks & Subnets, DNS Zone, Managed Grafana, ...
  • Development of GitLab CI/CD pipelines and introduction of staging concept
  • Introduction of monitoring, logging and tracing architecture
    • Visualization: Azure Managed Grafana
    • Monitoring: Azure Monitor, Prometheus
    • Logging: Grafana Loki
    • Tracing: Grafana Tempo
  • Build Grafana Dashboards and Alerting for developer teams
  • Toolkit for solving specific problems
    • Messaging: Apache Kafka
    • Searchindexer: Elasticsearch, Logstash for building indices
    • Database: Managed PostgreSQL and Zalando Postgres Operator
    • Deployments: ArgoCD GitOps (Helm Apps) + Kustomize with "app-of-apps" architecture (for productive stages) and GitLab CI/CD pipelines with a deployment script written in Golang (for development stages)
    • Security: External Secrets Operator, Azure KeyVault, cert-manager
    • Backups: Velero & WAL-G backups for Postgres Operator
  • Highly Available GitLab Runner Setup
  • Unification of two seperate clusters into one
  • First learnings of hub/spoke architecture in Azure, use spoke vnet for AKS cluster
  • Prepare and hold DevOps trainings for teams

Cloud & DevOps Engineer @ Claivolution GmbH

Cloud: Hetzner, Azure

Platform: GitLab

Since Jun 2022

  • Managed Kubernetes on the Hetzner Cloud with self-developed Terraform module
  • Go Development and GitLab CI/CD Pipelines for Automations
  • Development of a Helm chart toolkit
  • Deployment of Kubernetes clusters on-premise and Azure AKS via Terraform and Terragrunt
  • Deployments: ArgoCD GitOps (Helm Apps) + Kustomize with "app-of-apps" architecture, GitLab Container Registry
  • Monitoring/Logging: Prometheus, Grafana, Grafana Loki
  • Streaming/Messaging: NATS
  • Security: Keycloak, HashiCorp Vault, External Secrets Operator, Istio
  • AI & Machine Learning: JupyterHub, Aim, Ray

Cloud, DevOps & Software Engineer @ JonDos GmbH

Cloud: AWS

Platform: GitHub, Bitbucket

Jan 23 - Feb 2023

  • Kubernetes Cluster on AWS (EKS) via official EKS Terraform module for interal services and automations
  • Deployments: ArgoCD GitOps (Helm Apps) + Kustomize with "app-of-apps" architecture
  • Implementation of automatic drift checks via GitHub pipelines
  • Security: Introduction of Keycloak
  • Backups: Introduction of Velero
  • Implemtation of an API via Python FastAPI that automates Jira Tasks
  • Implemtation of automated build and release pipelines in GitHub Actions and BitBucket Pipelines

Cloud & DevOps Engineer @ Anonymous client

Cloud: AWS

Platform: GitHub

July 22 - Sep 2022

  • Migration of an already existing insurance software / CRM system and a Joomla web application to the AWS Cloud (to AWS EKS), applications were already containerized
  • Kubernetes Cluster on AWS (EKS) via official EKS Terraform module for interal services and automations
  • Deployments: ArgoCD GitOps (Helm Apps) + Kustomize with "app-of-apps" architecture
  • Implementation of automatic drift checks via GitHub pipelines
  • Security: Introduction of Keycloak
  • Backups: Introduction of Velero
  • Monitoring/Logging: Introduction of Grafana, Prometheus and Grafana Loki

Software Engineer @ PIOZ GmbH

Platform: BitBucket

Feb 22 - Sep 2023

  • Development of a cross-platform banking app with Xamarin (C#)
    • Product unfortunately never went live
  • Development of a backend API via Python Django, which interacts with Telegram and schedules automated notifications and daily videos

Experience as Employee

Cloud/DevOps/Software Engineer @ Arvato Systems GmbH

Cloud: Azure, VMWare Cloud Director

Platform: Bitbucket, GitHub

Nov 2020 - Jan 2023

  • Development of REST APIs, Serverless Functions & DevOps processes for the Arvato Private Cloud using the frameworks/tools: Django (Python), Jakarta EE (Java), Golang, PostreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenFaaS, MessageQueues (RabbitMQ AMQP & MQTT)
  • Cloud DevOps via Terraform, GitHub Actions & Azure/VMWare Providers for automated rollout of customer environments
  • Implementation of Terraform modules, Azure Policies & Powershell Runbooks
  • Development of the Terraform basis for the automated rollout of web services (web service API) based on Jenkins Pipeline.
  • Support and administration of customer environments in Azure as well as in the OnPremise environment (Web & Application Server on Linux and Windows).
  • Internal automation processes via Django (Python) REST API, Jenkins Pipelines and Groovy modules (issuing certificates, testing of certificates, test/roll out software packages)
  • Vulnerability Management (enforcement of security measures in the on-premise environment)


University of Paderborn, Germany Oct 2016 - Oct 2020

  • Major: Computer Science
  • GPA: 2,1 (good)

Experience Abroad

University of California, Riverside Sep 2018 - Apr 2019

  • Semester Abroad
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Organized as so-called "Freemover"

Last updated: May 2023